Certificate Course in Assessment & Management of Vertigo & Balance Disorders – Doctors

Certificate Course in Assessment & Management of Vertigo & Balance Disorders - Doctors - Yenepoya (Deemed to be University)

Dr. Prateek Porwal · March 14, 2024

Certificate Course In Assessment & Management Of Vertigo & Balance Disorders.

Course Objectives:

Participants of the Course will

I. Gain an in-depth understanding of the relevant applied anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system and its connections in relation to the diagnosis of various vestibular pathologies and the vestibular test battery.
II. Perform detailed clinical evaluation and diagnose vestibular disorders using the various maneuvers.
Ill. Explain the underlying principles, perform and interpret the results of the various components of the vestibular test battery which include VNG, DVA, fHIT, craniocorpography, stabilometry and VEMP. 
IV. Effectively manage vertigo and balance disorders by planning and implementing appropriate therapeutic strategies, including repositioning maneuvers and pharmacotherapy.
V. Comprehend the principles of vestibular rehabilitation therapy and develop a customized plan for VRT addressing the specific balance disorder faced by individual patients
VI. Implement an effective mobility and fall prevention program for elderly
VII. Start and successfully run a vertigo and balance clinic

Certificate course in vertigo

Certificate Course in Assessment & Management of Vertigo & Balance Disorders

Course In Vertigo and Balance Disorder

About Instructor

+92 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 111 Lessons
  • 5 Quizzes

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